We’re all worthy of support and we’re often stronger together.

While we trust your expertise at what you do, we understand that sometimes we need a helping hand with someone else’s expertise–especially when we’re levelling up!




Having an expert with experience come in at key moments to offer their insight and wisdom can be incredibly beneficial.

Whether you need a little advice at the beginning, someone to brainstorm with throughout or a second opinion at a critical phase–we’re happy to lend our creative, strategic and intuitive expertise to your new endeavour.

Woman in pink blazer taking notes in a journal over her laptop

Dream it.

See below how we might support you or let us know if you have something specific in mind you need help with.

Support on business growth opportunities; a brainstorm session to see where you shine and how we can convert that into prosperity for you. Helping you clarify a program or project and what to specifically talk about in bite-sized pieces for your audience.

Project feasibility:
We’ll help you with the foundations to projects from process to important considerations such as: Laying out steps, important tips, User-journey mapping, potential cost and more.

Need a second opinion? Want a conceptual consideration to a logo being design or colors being used? Have a brand but need support on how to translate it across different customer touch points (screen, print, etc.).

To Start:
$150 for 1.5hr Zoom call
(Research can be done on your behalf to further support you for an additional fee.)


“Transformation is not accomplished by tentative wading at the edge.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer
Author to, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants


Need Design support for Social or Ads?


Now that you have clear ideas and you’re ready to tell the world, you probably want to feel like the professional expert putting forth beautiful content?

If you’re not ready for a full time design team, we can still help you up-level your designs by sharing your drafts and offering live edit feedback on a 1:1 call.