All business is energy

A multi-colored squiggle line made of circular tubes on a indigo-blue background.

All business is energy because all interactions are an energetic exchange.

We vibe check people we meet so of course, we vibe check businesses too.

How energetically aligned is your business?

Do you know what your business energy is?

When I say business energy, I’m not only talking about your story and why you do what you do, but all the intrinsic qualities that make you unique to your competitors. This is what I tap into and transform into visual reality when I work with energy and the energy of your business.

When I create, you receive brand elements that you can feel confident in using everyday. Everything you’re doing with the brand is going to be amplified because it’s tapped uniquely into your business and brand energy.


Vibes Don’t lie.

Think about it. When you walk into a room, does it matter? Are you hoping to make a good impression? To be liked? To speak with clarity and poise? What you say to a potential client, collaborator, friend or partner matters and it starts from the moment your presence is witnessed. How we handle and move through situations is noticed by others. As humans, we are subconsciously reading one another. And that goes beyond the shirt we put on that morning. It’s a vibe check too.

Get away from work for a moment. Think about a time you were in a social gathering, maybe a friend’s birthday. Say someone brings a friend or new partner along. At the end of the event, you walk away and realize you don’t enjoy this person? They didn’t even say or do anything specifically to throw you off–you’re just not sure about them. And maybe you meet them again another day with an open mind. Yet, you feel the same way again. Or, have you ever met someone new and just didn’t like them right away? Either way, that’s a vibe. That’s your energetic field reading someone else’s.

This energetic frequency is something we can’t help but tune into because it is beyond our conscious self. And in business, it is ever-present. How we enter and exit situations are noticed and felt. When we enter them correctly, we’re set up for success. Much of the same can be said for a genuine investment in any creative work for your business, from the brand, marketing collateral, a website, product design and beyond.  Every choice you make has an energetic frequency.


Science and Vibrations

salt on paper over a speaker playing sound demonstrating energy as something we cannot always see but feel.

Not convinced? I don’t blame you. Everything in our world holds a vibe; a frequency. Science has shown that our whole world is made up of atoms vibrating at different rates resulting in various states: solid, fluid, gas-like. Vibrations! A frequency. An energy. There is energy running in our walls which we can’t see but if we directly touched it we would experience. Similar to how salt over a speaker playing sound shows the various patterns resulting from the sound frequency (or energy) is something we hear and feel but without the salt, can’t see. There are other invisible energetic forces too, like gravity, which we don’t even realize we feel, but we know exist. This is the same energy we receive when we look at or experience things that excite us: from objects to people to digital expressions.

We’re reading that invisible but ever present energy and feeding that energy and that energy either aligns with us or it doesn’t. This is what happens when we judge books by its cover or decide to like, follow or purchase from a brand. We notice the words a brand uses to sell us products, get excited over how shiny something appears, or dismiss it entirely. Those are vibes we are tuned into or not because they evoke feelings that are often connected to our morals or something even deeper. 


Your brand energy is powerful.

Imagine the power your brand could hold when creative choices are made that are infused with your business energy? As an intuitive designer, I tune into these deeper parts of your business and mold them into your brand so that you can connect with your audience on a deeper level. Together we make creative choices that will align with your authentic goals. So that the vibration of your brand and business is the highest it can be. 

I make brands come alive. I transform their energy into visual reality.

Are you a high-vibe creative or wellness entrepreneur?

If you’re a business who already works with energy practices or is interested in producing work that is in deep alignment with your business’s vibe, then reach out! Let’s chat. I’d love to hear what you’re working on. Or I’d love to answer any questions and curiosities you have too.

Catherine Medeiros

Intuitive Graphic Design - Designing for the real Human Experience! For businesses who want to be different, do better, connect more. Where Strategy and Intuition meet.

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